[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 2

The list of all of the challenges is here.

Here is day 2’s.

Disclaimer: All of the names of the characters are fictional. Any details that may be similar to a real person is entirely coincidental.


Your name is Jordan Noor Parks.

You were born on the 2nd of February 1987.

You live your life in a routine.

You get up every day at 6am to go out for a run. There is a wood near your flat and the rhythm of your feet makes each beginning of the day more bearable.

You come back home at 6.45 to shower and get ready for work. A pair of grey trousers and suit jacket, a white shirt and black leather shoes. Your bag is brown and a bit worn down.

Weetabix and semi-skim milk are for breakfast, while the coffee goes into the tumbler to take with you. You walk to work every single day, even if it takes you 39 minutes rather than taking a 10 minutes bus. Even in the summer days when the sun beats down on you or in winter, when the sun disappears for 3 months straight.

The work takes up most of your day. It demands that you sit in front of your computer. And type. And read. And type again. And sometimes, you have to talk to someone.

Lunch is a sandwich from the corner’s deli. You grab whichever one is the closet with a small bottle of overpriced smoothie.

There is a bench almost half way between your office building and the deli. There is almost always a space for you to sit and eat your lunch.

(On days where there isn’t, you stand right next to it and finish your lunch in roughly around the same time if you were sitting down.)

Meetings happen sometimes in the afternoon. You have to talk more then, but there are still the reading and typing.

From Monday to Thursday, you go straight home after work. You cook Monday and Wednesday night, while Tuesday and Thursday are take-out days. The television is on until you go to bed at 10.30pm.

On Friday, you go out for dinner and drinks with your colleagues. You always pick the signature dish at whichever place you go that week, and a glass of wine.

From 11pm onwards, you look at the atmosphere around your group to decide when to go home. You never stay pass midnight.

On the weekend, you wake up later but still go out for a run. During the hottest days, it is still tolerable to run at 8am.

There is a website that suggests what is best to do on that weekend and you follow its top recommendation.

You get your grocery on Sunday. There is a shop a couple blocks from your flat that happily arranges however much groceries you want with seasonal produce every week. You have opted for 4 days’ worth of ingredients to get through each week.

You don’t go travelling. The only reason you leave the city is to visit your family four times a year.

Your name is Jordan Noor Parks.

You live your life in a routine.

And you have no idea who you are.


Day 2 —Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.

Ah, I feel like this one was much easier to write than the first one xD Definitely took me a lot less time.

Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of it!


With love,

From BKK


  1. Pingback: [February Writing Challenge] Day 3 | A professional procrastinator
  2. lunerissa · February 6, 2017

    this guy is so boring LOL he reminds me of the movie short that go before Moana
    he need to get a girlfriend or at least a dog


    • aprofessionalprocrastinator · February 6, 2017

      But how do you know whether it’s a guy or a girl? 😉
      And the boring-ness was very intentional. I’m glad you’ve picked up on it!


  3. Pingback: [February Writing Challenge] Day 10 | A professional procrastinator
  4. Pingback: [February Writing Challenge] Day 11 | A professional procrastinator
  5. Pingback: [30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 20 | A professional procrastinator
  6. Pingback: [30 Day Writing Challenge] Master post | A professional procrastinator

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