[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 18

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

Here is my entry for today’s prompt.


You can’t help but to grip the seat belt across your chest. Even though there is a barrier between you and the air outside, you can almost imagine the wind that would be blowing on your face with the speed we are going.

It might look good in the movie but this is real life. You are definitely more tensed than the one between the wheel but is that really a surprise? You knew what you were getting yourself into when you reluctantly agree to get into the car. Not that you could’ve said no, family member and all. Still, you kind of wish you have.

The car turns sharply and you think your knuckles are probably white now.

“Watch where you are going!!” The yelling from the driver seat made you close your eyes. Another sharp swerve and you send a prayer out to whoever is listening.

Please, you think almost desperately, if I make it out alive I will-

You would have been thrown out of the front window if it isn’t for the seat belt. You feel like your neck almost snap as the car breaks so suddenly from such speed.

“Why are you crossing now?! Don’t you have eyes to see that a car is coming?!?” The yelling is expected, the middle finger, not so much. But again, not really a surprise.

You know you have made some questionable decisions in your life, but this is probably in that top 5. You wonder dazedly if jumping out of the car now would be safer than to stay.

The buildings outside tell you that it’s not too far now till the destination and you hope and wish and pray that you will get there in one piece.


Day 18 —Take a reader behind the wheel with the worst driver you’ve ever known.

I actually can’t decide who would be the worst driver I’ve ever known because I actually don’t worry too much when I am in the car. So I’ve taken this prompt down a more creative route ;D And I know that it’s a bit short but I really don’t have much idea for this one… ^^”

On another note, it has been such an unproductive day for me. Brought work home which I haven’t touched yet. What I have been doing, however, is listening to the soundtrack of La La Land. Oh, my goodness. I love the soundtrack of this film!! And the sets and costumes were so beautiful… Quite a joy to watch Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling too so it was a great day to spend part of a Friday night 😉

I’m going to sign off here now and try to be a bit more productive… *sighs*

Have a great weekend guys!


With love,

From GZ

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 17

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

Here is my entry for today’s prompt.

Disclaimer: All of the characters are fictional. Any details that may be similar to a real person is entirely coincidental.



“Remind me again why we are doing this?” Jonny asked as he flipped a burger on the griddle.

“Because Nat asks us for a favor.” Scott replies from his fries station.

The reply shouldn’t be enough but it was. Nat is not the type of person to go around and ask for a favor easily. And you want to have that one favor owed from her because she can save your life later on, repaying that back. So you don’t turn Nat down when she asks for a favor.

Take Jonny for example. She’s the reason why he was still alive and well here.

Even if ‘here’ is in a fast-food restaurant owes by one of the richest families in the country.

“Did she say who we are covering for?” Jonny couldn’t help but ask. It was the lull in the afternoon and this was the first burger he had to cook in the last half an hour. He had half a mind to go grab the mop next just to have things to do.

“No, but I bet it’s for Clayton.” Scott seemed to have finished with his work as he moved to join Jonny in staring at the sizzling meat patty.

“I bet that it ain’t for Clayton. Can you imagine him working here?” Jonny raised his eyebrows at Scott’s suggestion.

The blond paused for a bit then laughed. It never failed to pull the corner of Jonny ‘s mouth into a smile when he hear that sound.

“Yeah, you’re right. I can’t imagine Clayton working here at all, he’d end up eating all of the fries and get fired. Even Tom wouldn’t be able to save his job.” The mirth in the blue eyes made Jonny forget about being grumpy over having to stay in door when it was such a beautiful day.

He snorted at what Scott had said though, “Please, Tom would more likely be the one who fire Clayton. Or he probably never would’ve been hired in the first place.”

“Yeah. Remember that time we did the barbecue in our Senior year?” Scott asked as he bumped his shoulder with him. Jonny would deny it to the end of his days that the action made his chest warm.

“How can I forget? That is the reason why Clayton is still banned from being near the food or the punch bowl!” They both snickered at the memories. Clayton decided that it would be funny to spike their already alcoholic sangria. And the caramel sauce for the grilled peach with ice cream dessert. They still cracked up about the resulting drunken snog between Tom and Teddy now.

Sometimes, Jonny wanted to pause and pinch himself to prove that this was his life for real. He had friends that had been with him over a decade long. And someone who he didn’t mind spending the afternoon with in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant even if they could be outside, enjoying the Spring’s sun.

Life was pretty good.


Day 17 — Write a short scenario set in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant.

This one was fast as soon as I decided on the characters! ;D

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 16

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

I’m half way through! Eeeeeeee

So without further ado, here is my entry for today’s prompt.


I have never really thought about types of ghost before but I suppose there are a few out there. If we talk in the broad sense, I would like to see a ghost that is peaceful. As in please don’t get violent and kill me.

Yes, I went there. Hey, I’ve got to cover my bases. And really, do you blame me? With all of the media with the horror genre, I really can’t handle them. I would read the story line on wikipedia (I’ve read many), but I would not even watch the trailer, let alone the film itself. It’s like roadkill, you can’t look away. Except with me, once I’m interested in the story, I would like to know how it ended. But not with visual because visuals will haunt me longer. I just enjoy reading about them in a short text form.

Anyway, back to this. Assuming that all of the ghosts I can see would be peaceful, I would like to see one from centuries ago… Just so I can see how they would dress and behave. I don’t really have a specific era per se, I will take whatever I can get.

To be able to see a pre-historic human would be a great opportunity too. I’ve watched this documentary called ‘The Incredible Human Journey’ by the BBC and it got me interested in the history of the human race.

I think, though, that to see any ghost from any time in the history beyond 100 years ago would be fantastic.

If I have to go deeper and use the word ‘ghost’ as a permission to see one dead person, I would pick Jane Austen.

(Now this was tough. I thought of William Shakespeare too as well as a few other historical figures in Thailand. As well as my late grandmother. But I don’t want to go down a melancholy route so the author of-

Wait. Terry Pratchett. And Alan Rickman. Ahhhhhh.

No, I think… I will still go with Jane Austen. Goodness that was a tough decision!)

Anyway, I was going to say that I chose Jane Austen because she wrote one of my favourite books of all time, Pride and Prejudice. It is so witty and ironic and it gives me so much joy. That opening line of the book is just pure gold.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

So. Good. I really love it, the best opening line to any book ever. So I would just like to meet the writer of this, Jane Austen, and thank her and pick her brain a little.

So, I suppose the type of ghost I would like to see is a peaceful one from the 18th century…?


Day 16 —If we assume ghosts are real, what type of ghost would you like to see?

That was a bit of an unconventional one! I really didn’t know where to go and just kind of ramble and found excuses to gush about Jane Austen a little, lol. And I will also be out tomorrow evening so I’m going to go ahead to the next entry now xD


With love,

From GZ

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 15

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

Here is my entry for today’s prompt.


Félix Antony had been lucky almost all of his life, just like his name has suggested. The place where he came from, names are powerful things. His mother had chosen the names carefully for all of his siblings.

His childhood was among the better ones compared to many others. They never had to worry about food or warmth, not even in the coldest month.

As he grew older, Félix started to realise that he was not like most others his age. He did not want to find a wife or built a house to settle down. Often, there were storytellers that would come and go to his town, all filled with captivating tales that he couldn’t get enough of.

Stories of faraway lands, of adventures and quests on the rolling sea. Of creatures he never heard the names of, let alone being able to imagine what they really looked like. He has been inspired by those stories and wanted to go out to discover if those tales were true or not.

So as soon as Félix was old enough, he left home to collect his own stories.

And for a while, he was living out his dream. He had been to places he could never have imagined. He had met extraordinary people. He had wild adventure with many of them while running away from others. Félix never had a destination in mind, he went where the words led him to.

All that he had experience so far, they all made good stories. And he found joy in telling them.

Until he came to this small town. It was quite isolated from the rest of the world, surrounded by high mountains, people lived frugally.  There were fewer smiles and laughters, more distrust in the air.

Félix did not let that put him off. He had livened up many towns before and he thought that this one would be the same.

He was wrong.

The people were uninterested in stories that would not bring food to the table. He could tell that they were just entertaining him as a guest in town who had money by listening to his stories.

The children were worse. They were hungry for food, not tales. Their eyes did not widen by dragons or giant whales. They only wanted bread to fill their empty stomach.

“You’re lying, stop making things up.” A young child told him before walking away. Félix was frozen to his spot. No one had ever accused him of telling lies before.

He prided himself in always being truthful to his stories. To be accused of lying by a mere child, it was as bad as being falsely accused of a crime.

Félix left that town soon after but that feeling still haunted him. No matter where he went after, he couldn’t get rid of that feeling. Sharing his tales no long brought him joy. He spoke less and smiled even lesser.

He longed for the day he could tell his stories once more.


Day 15 — Create a character who is falsely accused of a crime.

I had no idea what to write about for today’s prompt so I went on a random name generator to find a name first. Then I found Félix and thought it was perfect. And I wanted to stick to the fantasy genre a bit longer. 🙂


I’m planning to get an early night tonight so I’ll sign off here. Hope you are having a good week!


With love,

From GZ

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 14

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

Here is my entry for today’s prompt.



He has been working for a long time. Some may say that it has been too long but he has relatives who have been around longer.

Work has changed a lot these days, with technology and all. He has learned to embrace it and in some ways, it does make his work much easier. A few tabs on the phone and a job can be done.

They do not last this long if they do not adapt.

He does miss doing things the old fashion way though. So once in a while, he will wander around the city and see what he can do with the people he comes across.

Despite what many may think, February is not the busiest month for him. Work is actually pretty steady throughout the year. There are enough people around the world to even the numbers out in each month.

There is a traditions he has started quite recently. (It has been nearly 4 decades long, but when you are as old as he is, 40 years is a blink of an eye.)

No matter where he is, he will make it to Memphis on this day every year. There wouldn’t be a particular place to visit, he just likes to walk around and soaks up the atmosphere.

Of course the cities have changed, but somehow, he can always remember clearly what it was like back then.

Elvis was handsome, there was no doubt. His rise to fame was unplanned but he welcomed it. He has met the singer many times through out Elvis’s life. Sometimes as a spectator, and others, well, he can never resist a temptation.

There are not that many mortals whose voice has managed to capture his attention, let alone captivating enough to keep him coming back for more. Before he knew it, he has been paying a visit to Elvis every single year on the same date, no matter where the singer might be.

That habit has not changed yet even though Elvis is no longer alive. He supposes he can visit the singer himself in the Underworld but there is something right about being in the living world while remembering about the famous King of Rock and Roll. Walking around in Memphis is enough. And if he hums to himself, well, it is nobody else’s business.

Elvis Presley, the man that has made his job easier and harder at the same time. During the years that the singer was alive and popular, he encountered countless women and men in his work.

Many fell in love with the voice, others at the face. Some, fell for the moves, while numerous others fell for the whole package.

Humans can form connections over shared passion too. Legions of relationships were formed because of Elvis, ergo innumerable jobs accomplished. He has his hands full for quite a while.

He liked that challenge though. He is not Eros, the god of love, for nothing. Or as many may know him better by his Roman twin, Cupid.


Day 14 —Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year.  Tell about one of the people who sent one.

This one nearly didn’t come out! I’m glad it’s finished and I am actually losing sleep because of this challenge. Urgh. Not giving now!!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! This entry kind of fits with the them, innit? xD


With love,

From GZ


[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 13

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

Here is my entry for today’s prompt.



It’s blimming cold even though it’s in the middle of the day and the sun is out.She knows that it is February, which is typically the coldest month of the year, but God she hopes that Spring will come soon.

The power walk from her car to the building isn’t that long but she still feels like her ears may have fallen off from the cold. She keeps forgetting to bring her knitted hat with her.

There aren’t that many shoppers around since it’s a weekday. She’s actually nipped out of work during the lunch break to pick up some prints she has developed.

She doesn’t normally have any pictures developed anymore since it is much more convenient to take and keep the photos on the smartphone. Not to mention uploading them on facebook and all. It is a bit of a pain when the phone’s memory becomes full but she finds that in the past couple of years, she doesn’t feel the need to look through physical photo albums.

However, this is for work so she’s getting it done at the nearest place, which is Costco. She looks at her watch to see if she has time to do a bit of shopping since she was already here before power-walking towards the photo sections.

She idly thought of what possible things she can buy from Costco that won’t go bad in the afternoon because she doesn’t have time to go drop her things back at home first.

“Thank you,” she says to the staff that hands her the thick envelop. She opens it up to check the prints inside.

Everything looks good until she gets to the second half of the pile. In between a photo of a beach and a rain forest, there is a picture of a dark dome with red and blue.

She does a double take and looks at the picture again to realise that it is a picture of a chocolate dessert.

A laugh escapes her because it is all so… unexpected.

The dessert is almost a full sphere, with a raspberry and a blueberry on top (that explains the red and the blue her brain registered first). Around the dessert itself are some sort of crushed nuts, which look kind of like small pebbles surrounding the chocolate dome.

She first thought that the chocolate ganache is so shiny that it reflects off the light until she realises that it’s actually a piece of gold on top of the dessert. Well, gold seems to be popular these days for decorating food so she really shouldn’t be surprised.

The more she looks at the picture, the more she would like to try it in real life. It looks quite pretty and she wonders if it will taste as good as its look.

She thinks about the closest patisserie to her workplace or home and realises there is none at all. She sighs and resigns to get some chocolate from Costco just to tide her over.


Day 13 —Write about a random picture you would find in an envelope of finished prints at Costco.

I hope this works! I was initially going to go for something more serious or Valentine’s related and then thought, nah. Let’s try something new instead. xD

I feel like most of my entries so far for this challenge have been quite serious so I have to try something different. This is what the challenge is about for me, a chance to try out different writing styles and themes. To explore and dabble.

And I know the prompt seems to want me to write it from my own perspective but I’ve never found any random picture at Costco before. I didn’t even know you can do prints at Costco! xD So I took some liberties and went a bit creative with it xp

So yeah, I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it! I am pretty tired now, haven’t been going to bed early for these past couple of days so I’m going to (try to) be good tonight and get an early night. No more Youtube. I think that is the key xD

Hope your Monday is/has been a good one!


With love,

From GZ


PS – the weather is warming up again but it’s got to that point where it is colder inside than outside *sighs*.

PPS – Made some lemon drizzle tray bake today!

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 12

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

Day 12 —What is your favorite day of the week?


I’ve been thinking about this since I finished my entry yesterday.

I think for a short and traditional answer, I will say that my favourite day of the week is, of course, Saturday.

It’s the first day of the weekend. I can have a lie in. I normally have something fun plan for Saturday too, go out, see friends and/or family, eat good food, etc.

And then I can stay out (or in) late because the next day is still another weekend. There are usually great TV programmes on Saturday too.

However, if I can be less conventional, I would like to say that my absolute favourite day of the week actually starts after work on Friday xD I actually like Friday night more than Saturday night. That feeling of ‘it’s the start of a break’ is the absolute best.

So if we take the day of the week being a 24-hour period. It would start straight after work on Friday. By that point in the week, I would normally have reached my limit for work and would be able to put anything that has been worrying/stressing me out at work out of my mind. At least for 24 hours.

When I’m in GZ, I would almost always go out on Friday. Looking back on it… I think I’ve always been out on Friday night. Even though I don’t drink, I appreciate that sweet drink after work to wind down and relax with friends. Take this weekend of example, I went to Taojin area for dinner at the Garden Hotel (Ladies Night!). The dinner doesn’t start till 6pm and we were in the area by 5pm.

So we hit Starbucks and I had a blackcurrent and raspberry tea I think. It was very good, really like it. But see, I would rather go and hang out somewhere out rather than going home to get change or something. I always rather go out straight from work because coming home first tends to make me feel like a hassle. (I’ve done it once or twice though when I have other things to take with me for dinner. If it’s about clothes though, I would rather taken them to change at work with me than to come home xD

When I was in uni in England, I don’t think I ever spent Friday night by myself. I was always with friends. Heck, when I was in uni, it didn’t matter what day of the night it was. A friend has commented once that I behaved rather differently when I was away from home compare to when I was at home.

(When I’m in Bangkok, we usually have to make plans. When I’m away from home, you can call me at 6pm and I would be down for meeting up for dinner at 6.05pm xD Well, when I was in uni anyway. And that did happen many times, lol. Ah, good times.)

Anyway, I would like to make my final answer for favourite day of the week be the 24 hours start from when I get out of work on Friday 😉


Ah, this was pretty easy to type out too. Though I wasn’t sure if I would make it pass the 500 words mark or not. So I kept rambling on xD

I am procrastinating from work at the moment, hence updating today’s prompt so early… Got work to do but don’t want to do it ><

Anyway, hope you are having a fantastic weekend!


With love,

From GZ


PS – Feel like I may have some stomach problems again. Urgh. Hopefully not…

PPS – Stayed around the area where I live last night. Had Korean fried chicken then sat a a nice, local bar after from some sweet, non-alcoholic drinks and chat with friends xD


Look at how pretty this drink is! And it tastes delicious too, my favourite drink at this place.

The strawberry flavour is not too strong and there’s something else that kind of reminds me of, like, strawberry yoghurt drink…? But not too strong. Very lovely for any evening 😉


The layers are, I believe, passion fruit syrup, sprite, pineapple juice from bottom to the top.

I usually only end up having one drink but last night I wanted more sweet drinks so got this one too. It’s too much on the sweet side for me. And the pineapple juice is too artificial to my taste too but I wanted something sweet and fizzy so this fit the bill last night.

PPPS – My 50th entry on WordPress! Whoop whoop!

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 11

As always, here is the list of all of the 30 day challenge I am doing at the moment.

It’s another non-creative one so here is the prompt:

Day 11 —What was your first childhood pet?  Describe it in detail.

Let’s do this!


I almost don’t have anything to write for this! My mum is, I suppose I can say this, really against having pets. She has nothing against animals, she just doesn’t have the time to take care of another life in the house. I remember from a very young age that my mum will always says that it doesn’t matter what my dad and I would say, she will be the one who ends up taking care of any pet if we do get one.

My dad isn’t really into pets anyway and I never had a desire for one either. I am actually quite awkward around pets since I haven’t really spent that much time with them. Though I’m more comfortable with cats than dogs and I would consider getting a cat in the future.

But that isn’t the prompt for today. I have to talk about my first childhood pet and there is only one that fits the criteria.

So even though we didn’t keep her at our house, we still feel kind of responsible for her because my mum found her.

This was… wait, let me count the years first… 17 to 18 years ago now. My mum found a stray puppy in our empty, neighbour house once. No one lived (or lives) there and the wall between our house is pretty low. She heard the whining of an animal and looked over to find a small, dark grey puppy. So she climbed over the wall to give it some milk.

She was a very smart puppy though because the next morning, as soon as she could hear my mum walking down the stairs, she called for her. So my mum climbed over the wall again to give her more food.

We ended up deciding to take her to my great uncle’s house. Their family just lost their house cat (it sadly got ran over very recently then) so they would be up to take in a puppy. We called and thankfully they said yes!

So my mum climbed over to pick her, I think. I remember a scene where she cradled the puppy in an old towel and put her on her lab while she reverse the car out of our driveway.

The name got changed twice. We first called her ‘Tao’ (เทา) which means grey in Thai from the colour of her coat. And then we changed it to ‘Ngeun’ (เงิน) which means silver because that sounds more fancy than just grey xD

My great-uncle’s family finally decided on ‘Lucky’ because she was lucky to be found. We think that she must have gotten lost from the pack and she wouldn’t have survived with my mum didn’t hear her.

Lucky lived a very happy life, more than 10 years long. The whole family doted on her, especially my great uncle. They would share breakfast together! She ate everything they did. Coffee, toast, spicy noodle. Probably not the best diet for her but she was happy, fat but very happy.

She was a sweet dog too and she always remembered my mum. Every time we went for a visit, Lucky would get excited and would wag her tail so hard. And only after my mum would acknowledge her greeting and said hi, would she went back to doing her own things. My little sister really liked her as well. She sadly passed away a couple of years ago and I hope she is in a better place now. We all still think of her, she is dearly missed.


There we go, that was so quick to write out. It’s an easy prompt ;D

Here are the links to the previous entries for this challenge:

Day 1 —Select a book at random in the room. Find a novel or short story, copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new story.
Day 2 —Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.
Day 3 —Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.
Day 4 —Write a story/excerpt to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”
Day 5 —Pick a letter of the alphabet. Now imagine two aisles of your local supermarket. List everything found in those two aisles that begin with that letter of the alphabet.
Day 6 —Write about a person who would buy all of those items in Day 5.
Day 7 —What sets you apart from the crowd?
Day 8 —Tell your life story from someone else’s point of view.
Day 9 —What was your favorite childhood toy?

Day 10 —What do you want to be remembered for?

(Goodness, the format… It’s because the first 9 were copied from the tumblr page first so it still has the format from that page. I didn’t want to do the links again so I just copied it directly from the Day 10’s entry.

But now I got to add the Day 10 link as well and the format reverts back to usual. Hence the odd spacing. Urgh. Never mind. My laziness will stop it from bothering me xD I ain’t doing the whole thing again!)

It’s a sunny Saturday here, great day for doing the laundry xD

Hope you guys are having a great weekend!


With love,

From GZ


PS – We went to Ladies Night at the Garden Hotel yesterday, it was so much fun. We got free dessert too! The chef came out to greet the guests and then came back with a plate of cakes for us :DDD The cheesecake was amazing, it melted in the mouth! Loved it.

[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 10

I know that I am going to be out tomorrow night so I’m doing this post now so that, hopefully, the entry will go up tomorrow as scheduled without having to physically log in. Fingers crossed it work (not like last time… >.>).

I also have a feeling that this is going to be short, short and short too because, well, I don’t know how much I can babble about this prompt xD And another non-creative prompt too!

Before we get on, as always, here is the link to all of the 30 Day Challenge.

Day 10 —What do you want to be remembered for?


I must say, the first thing that springs to my mind when I read this is kindness.

Back when I was younger, I might have answered it something more along the line of “being wise” or “being smart”. You know, a totally Ravenclaw answer.

But as time’s gone on, I seem to have become more of a Hufflepuff even though I am actually in Gryffindor! xD

(I’m sorry, I can’t help it with the Harry Potter’s references. I just love the fandom so much. Oh wait, it’s my blog so I can make as many HP references as I want so I’m not actually sorry xp)

On a more serious note though, the more I think about it, the more I am leaning towards ‘kindness’ or ‘open-mindedness’ as the answer to today’s prompt.

For the person I am now anyway, I feel like that is the most important thing to accomplish in life. To be kinder to others and be less judgmental and prejudiced. Not to say that I am that at the moment, I try but I know I still make some mistakes. But hopefully, I will get better at it with age.

So yes, that is my answer.


And I was right in thinking that this is going to be a short entry… ^^” I’m not sure that it will even hit 500 words in total! lol

Oh well, my long entries can make up for this short one 😉

Ah, I would like to link back to all of the other entries for this challenge though since we are one third of the way through!

Day 1 —Select a book at random in the room. Find a novel or short story, copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new story.
Day 2 —Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.
Day 3 —Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.
Day 4 —Write a story/excerpt to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”
Day 5 —Pick a letter of the alphabet. Now imagine two aisles of your local supermarket. List everything found in those two aisles that begin with that letter of the alphabet.
Day 6 —Write about a person who would buy all of those items in Day 5.
Day 7 —What sets you apart from the crowd?
Day 8 —Tell your life story from someone else’s point of view.
Day 9 —What was your favorite childhood toy?

And now that I have done this one, I can probably copy and paste this to my other entries so that it’s easier for everybody all around! xD

Ok, I’ll sign off here. Hoping that this entry will go up as scheduled *fingers cross*


With love,

From GZ


[30 Day Writing Challenge] Day 9

(Not forgetting to put the title for today’s! Did it first xD)

Here is the list of all of the 30 Challenges.

Today is also a non-creative one and I have a feeling it may be on the short side because I am sleepy and am not feeling in the writing mode…

Day 9 —What was your favorite childhood toy?


At first, I was going to go for the Polly Pockets which I now treasure massively because they don’t make them like these anymore! And when I say Polly Pockets, I mean the original ones, not the ones they have these days.

(I have a feeling that if they do still make them, I would spend a small fortune and may end up being a collector… lol)


Here is a picture of my two PollyPocket necklaces.

I also have a feeling that my first ever ring was an accessory from one of my PollyPockets… I used to love them, they are so cute.

However, I don’t think they were my favourite when I was young. I feel like back then, they came after my Barbies.

And then, after a lot more thinking, I realise that my true favourite childhood toys are actually my cooking set.

Ah, I think I still have them. When I get the chance, probably in the summer time, I will take a couple photos of them.

I’ve always liked cooking. I used to stand on a stool to watch my maternal grandmother cooked when I was young. I love cooking shows from a young age as well. I remember clearly watching ‘Ready Steady Cook‘ when I visited my aunt in England.

(And here’s a link to Youtube for some search results of the show.)

So, of course, I have toys that revolve around cooking. I think my small stove is from Hello Kitty. I have a toy knife that I used to cut the ‘raw ingredients’. They all have Velcros 😉

I also had this habit of setting my cooking toys up in a particular way. I had this table in a corner, which became my corner in the room, and I would get the stove out first and put it in the top left corner, I think. And then arranged the rest of the toys accordingly.

I have a feeling there was an order to that arrangement too, but I can’t remember now. It may come back when I see the toys themselves.

Oh! Oh! I played a lot with play-does too and used those as other ingredients to my cooking. And for some reason, I often shaped and cut the play-does into strips, make square markings and put them in water. I cannot remember, for the life of me now, where I got that routine from but I have memories of doing it. A lot. lol.

So yeah, the love for cooking and food has always been there. I never really cooked until I got to uni though. And I started off doing the dishes, to cutting the vegetable, to doing the stirring before cooking itself. So I have worked my way up! xD

To conclude (wow, that sounds so serious xD), my ultimate favourite childhood toys are my cooking toy set. 🙂


Well, that didn’t took that long and was pretty easy to type out ^^

It’s been cold today, I was glad I wore my turtleneck. Contemplating whether I will wear more turtleneck tomorrow too xD We’ll see…

For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, don’t forget to keep warm!

Right, I am pretty tired so will sign off here. Thank goodness it’s Friday tomorrow! xD


With love,

From GZ


PS – managed to do about 30 minutes of some exercise today! I’ve been gaining weight and my appetite seems to have increased so will try to be more discipline with my habits… >.>

PPS – Someone sent a link of this TedTalk by Matt Cutts about “Try something new for 30 days” and wow, what a timing since I am doing this now! Not to mention that I did a January Photo Challenge last month as well! (So that was a 31 day challenge xD) I also smiled when they mentioned NanoWrimo, man, been there, tried that. Didn’t quite succeed. May be I’ll give that a go again some time…